The Link21 Program is working to create a better future for generations to come through faster, more connected, equitable, and accessible train service. Student and youth engagement is a key focus of our multi-faceted engagement approach. We are committed to working closely with organizations and institutions representing megaregional youth to collaborate on the best opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions about their concerns, needs, and ideas for the future train network.
College and University Campus Outreach
One way we are learning more from younger generations is by partnering with area colleges and universities to interact with students at tabling events, attending and presenting to key classes or programs, and engaging students in planning exercises.
Link21 has partnered with the following universities to table on campus and connect with students and faculty:
- California State University, East Bay
- San Francisco State University
- San Jose State University

In addition, Link21 has partnered with the following universities in a variety of ways to engage students and faculty directly in discussions and planning work related to the Program. Most recently, we’ve engaged with the University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, Davis.
- UC Berkeley Parking & Transportation - Mobility & Equity Committee:
The Mobility and Equity Committee’s goal is to identify and recommend policies and strategies to improve awareness about UC Berkeley’s alternative transportation and micro-mobility initiatives. Link21 planning is not just considering the rail infrastructure that would be constructed with a new train crossing, but also how to create improved connections to all modes of travel to meet rider needs and help communities thrive by offering effective and integrated transportation systems. The Link21 Team presented to the Committee’s students and faculty in February 2023, outlining equity’s integration into the Program and potential benefits to students. - UC Berkeley City Planning Students Link Solutions to Problem:
Students in UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design’s Transportation and Land Use Studio, led by Professor Karen Trapenberg Frick, collaborated with BART and the Link21 Team to improve planning efforts and research Program topics. Topics included development of an equity assessment tool, an Oakland station siting analysis, and freight and passenger service efficiency improvements. The Master of City Planning and Master of Transportation Engineering candidates presented their results to BART and the Link21 Team in November 2023. Questions were posed and suggestions offered on how findings could be potentially implemented into Link21, and where work could be expanded.
“We are all so impressed by the research produced by these students on Link21. With this collaboration between UC Berkeley and the Program, we’re incorporating critical viewpoints from the youth and students who will see the benefits of the improvements in the future,” said then Link21 Program Director, Sadie Graham.
For more details, please visit our Student and Youth Partnerships page. - UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies' Transit Lab:
The UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies’ Transit Lab provides graduate students the opportunity to carry out research on the sector’s most pressing issues including sustainability and equitable development. The Link21 Team attended a lab session in January 2024 to give a presentation on the concepts identified and the two train technologies being considered. A question and answer session opened up a more focused discussion on technical decisions such as tunnel construction and engineering, track gauge specifications, and weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the many concepts.
After lengthy discussions on the two train technology choices and the concepts for both, a blind vote between the two technologies was held. Of the 14 students who participated in the presentation, eight voted for standard-gauge (Regional Rail) technology, two voted for broad-gauge (BART) technology, and two students voted for dual-gauge technology. The students also expressed their top indicators in influencing their choices and noted the preference for one-seat rides in their travel patterns.
Youth-Focused Presentations and Partnerships
Another way the Link21 Team is reaching megaregional youth is to partner directly with community-based organizations (CBOs) that interact and represent our youth. Working together, we identify opportunities and activities that allow us to share ideas and learn from the next generation.
Link21 has partnered with the following CBOs to host presentations, interview key leaders, and collaborate on ways the Program can best support youth in its planning efforts:
- Rose Foundation’s New Voices are Rising Project
- Neighborhood Centers Together
- We Lead Ours
- Community Youth Center
- Trybe
In May 2023, a presentation to Rose Foundation’s New Voices are Rising Project allowed the Team to engage directly with a young audience to discuss their unique transportation needs and learn how they want to shape their communities.
A virtual community workshop was also held in August 2023 with some of the faculty and youth that attend and utilize programs offered by the Community Youth Center throughout San Francisco. Students were asked a series of questions on their travel habits, including what methods of transportation they used and areas they like to travel most frequently. This insight into travel patterns among youth in the San Francisco area showed the importance of improving local travel options and unlocking additional capacity for megaregional connections and regional metro service.
Link21 also connects with key Youth Commissions across the Megaregion. Youth Commissions are comprised of commissioners between the ages of 12 and 23, tasked with tackling important public issues and providing recommendations on public policies to their local city government. To date, Link21 presentations have been given to the San Francisco and Oakland Commissions with the goal to learn directly from the commissioners what their key concerns are, or how the Program can benefit their communities.

Special Events
September 2023 was Transit Month and during this time, the Link21 Team participated in a number of events along with BART and Capitol Corridor, the co-sponsors of Link21.
At BART’s Meet the Anime Mascots event in September 2023, over 700 riders came to meet the newly released anime mascots, take photos, and grab prizes. Check out the characters here.

Link21 attended the event to engage riders and discuss the future of passenger rail. The Team also showcased the newly designed Program coloring pages. Download, print, and color your own page today.
Link21 and our communities benefit from BART’s paid, project-based internships. Our interns gain real-world experiences that foster their educational and career development goals, while gaining an introduction to transit career options that will support a future workforce pipeline.
The Link21 Program welcomed BART’s summer 2023 intern Florance Zhang who gained valuable experience for eight weeks working on this major infrastructure program supporting the Link21 Team with station planning and wayfinding efforts. With the Program nearing a crucial milestone in completing the Project Identification phase, additional support will be sought out for the next phase of work with potential internship opportunities on the horizon.
Check out our Events page for more information on past events and to learn about upcoming events.